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Ebook: How AI is Impacting the Recruitment Process
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming essential for searching, screening and hiring the right candidate. With AI and automation, companies can collect, sort, and analyse high-volume candidate information. Besides, adopting such innovations ...
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4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Pre-Employment Test
Pre-employment tests add great value to the recruitment process as they help companies to objectively check if their candidates are really fit for a specific job.
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Are Pre-Employment Personality Tests Really Useful?
Personality tests can be used to predict a new employee's future performance. But are they really necessary in a recruitment process?
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How can Pre-Employment Assessments Help you Make Better Hiring Decisions
Pre-employment assessment is still an unknown concept for many companies, as most of them are still only using interviews and CV as the only way of assessing candidates. ...
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7 Steps to Make the Hiring Process Easier and Faster
Seeking new talent is an ever-growing challenge for companies. It’s not new that the shortage of skills in the job market increases the competition and the need to attract, engage ...
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Why the Personality Test Helps You Hire the Best People and How to Use it
Hiring the best people is any recruiter's main goal. However, that is getting more challenging than ever. Today, thanks to the huge amount of information available online, ...
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Why Pre-Employment Screening is Important
Pre-employment screening plays an important role in allowing recruiters to make an evidence-based selection of candidates and hire the right candidate for a position, while ...
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2018: Our Year in Review!
Here at skeeled 2018 was an incredible year, full of major challenges and great achievements. As we look back at what we have accomplished in the past year, it seems only right ...
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