7 Of The Biggest Recruitment Challenges And How To Overcome Them
With 2020 around the corner, you’re likely in the process of assessing your hiring practices – what’s working and what’s not, and what improvements need to be made, for continued success in the new year.
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The speakers

Josephine Schönberger
Marketing Project Manager at skeeled
Josephine is a Marketing Specialist at skeeled. Next to her background in the tourism and hospitality industry she has broad experience in the field of Digital Marketing. Passionate about building brands, innovative solutions and creative communications, she joined skeeled to support the company's growth and expansion. In her position, she is responsible for various projects from outbound and inbound marketing activities, the execution of events, sales enablement and managing relationships with stakeholders.

Nicolas Speeckaert
Co-founder at skeeled
Nicolas’ passion for entrepreneurship came at a very early age, always dreaming about the possibilities to facilitate people lives’ and filling unmet needs that would considerably impact the life of people. His enthusiasm towards skeeled is enormous and thus the reason why he greatly emphasizes on the long term vision and mission of the company, knowing what skeeled is and can still bring to job seekers, recruiters and many more people across the world. He oversees global operations, finances, technical and strategic partnerships and HR.